Lottery System—Sign up for the Booth Sale Lottery
by Tuesday, January 24th. Click here for the
Entry Sign-Up Form. The drawing will be held Wednesday,
January 25th.
Booth Sale Locations—Council-coordinated booth sales will be
held at East & West Fred Meyer stores as well as East, West &
North Pole Safeway stores. Troops can coordinate booth sales at other
locations with council approval.
Credit Card Readers at Booth Sales — The council allows troops
to use credit card readers such as Square, however, you must fill out
a Credit
Card Reader Agreement. This must be turned in to the
council office BEFORE your booth sales.
Booth Sale Supplies — Troops can begin reserving supplies for
their booth sales on Monday, January 30th. Call the office at
(907) 456-4782 to reserve supplies such as table cloths, signs, cash
boxes and cookie costumes!
Cookie Cupboard—Extra cookies can be checked out for booth
sales (by the case only) from the Cookie Cupboard located at the
council office from Monday – Friday, 11:00 am – 5:30 pm. The
cupboard opens Wednesday, March 1st.